
Install via NPM …

npm install angular-simplewizard

… or install via bower …

bower install angular-simplewizard

… or clone the repo

git clone

Include the library in your HTML file

<script src="angular-simplewizard.js"></script>

Add simpleWizard to your app’s dependencies:

var app = angular.module('App', ['simpleWizard']);


You may now use the wizard directive:

<wizard model="orderForm" step="step" template="wizardTmpl"></wizard>

The <wizard> directive has the following attributes:


The scope variable (object) to be populated with the results of the wizard. The ng-model parameter for each form field should be a member of this object.

step (optional)

A scope variable containing the initial step from which the wizard begins. If not specified, the first element in the template object is the initial step.


Scope variable (object) describing the steps of the wizard and their logic. A step is identified by its object key and has the following parameters:

  • view [string] URL to the template (required)
  • prev and next [string or function] The name of the previous and next step, or a function returning it.

A template may look something like this: (See example for more details)

$scope.wizardTmpl = {

  product: {

  account: {
    view: 'views/account.html',
    prev: 'product',
    next: function(data) {
      return (data.type === 'ebook') ? 'payment' : 'shipping';

  shipping: {

  payment: {



The following functions are exposed to the scope and available in your view files:


Submit the current step. The wizard will navigate to the next step. This function should be given as the ng-submit parameter of the form.


Navigate to the previous step. The optional parameter toReset (Array) contains the names of keys of the model to reset to their inital state. This may be necessary if the user navigates back multiple steps.


Go to any step defined in the template


Completely reset the wizard and return to the inital step

Example step

A minimal view file might look like this:

<!-- step2.html -->
<form name="forms.wizard.step2" ng-submit="wizardSubmit()" novalidate>

  <label>A text field</label>
  <input type="text" name="text" ng-model="wizard.text" />

  <button type="button" ng-click="wizardBack()">Back</button>
  <button type="submit">Continue</button>
